808 Early Mixes

Here's an early rough mix of a song I started writing about 15 years ago and have been recording off an on for about a year:

It's called 808, and it's about the end of something.

Here's an accoustic version:

Once I add a few back-up vocals, I'll dig in and try to pull off a proper mix. But for now, I thought I'd share what I have. Let me know what you think.


Jason Makansi said...

Hey, Matt:

Thanks for sharing this. Ever heard of a band called Rain Parade? From the early to mid-1980s. This song reminds me very much of their stuff. Has a psychedelic twinge, especially with the backup instruments (or electronics as the case may be)...I think they were an LA band, or played around there, or had a following there, or something my memory has probably botched.

See ya around the Web.

Matt said...

I haven't heard of Rain Parade, but I will definitely have to check them out. Thanks for stopping by and giving this a listen.

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