The Blurbs Are In

SuckerPunch Press tells me the back of You Will Behave will carry the following blurbs:


“Remarkably inventive and remarkably funny, Matt Getty's You Will Behave is a remarkably dead-on exploration of what it means to grow up male in middle America, rendered in a prose that's as sharp and fine as it is original. Matt Getty is the real thing.”

Richard McCann, author of
Mother of Sorrows

You Will Behave truly is a sucker punch. Narratively cute, it pulls the reader into an ugly world wherein violence and sexuality are forever intertwined. It questions that link and doesn't flinch from honest answers. And it doesn't hurt that it's funny as hell.

Thanks to everyone who took part in the great You Will Behave blurb-off. Rest assured if your blurb didn't make it onto the book, you'll surely see it on the SuckerPunch Press Web site.


Dave Clapper said...

I am thrilled and honored to be on the back of this book. Do you know whether SuckerPunch will make copies available through Amazon? Any outlets besides the SuckerPunch site?

Matt said...

Thanks Dave. I've been told that You Will Behave will be available on Amazon by the end of the month. It's also going to be in a few bookstores in DC and maybe NY (I'll post the details on exactly which stores once I have them). Other than that, the main avenue for sales is the SuckerPunch site--That is, of course, until I get booked on Oprah and this whole thing blows up proper.

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